2023 Year in Review for POSIMYTH Innovations

Welcome to the recap of an incredible journey at POSIMYTH Innovations in 2023! For those who are new to our story, POSIMYTH isn’t just a company; it’s a belief in the power of innovation and the relentless pursuit of excellence. 

Throughout the past year, our team has harnessed this ethos to create groundbreaking products that redefine possibilities in their respective industries. 

As we reflect on our accomplishments, challenges overcome, and the milestones achieved in the year 2023.

What is POSIMYTH Innovations?

POSIMYTH Innovations, founded in 2015, stands as a pioneering force in the realm of WordPress plugins. Over the years, our commitment to empowering businesses has driven us to create transformative solutions that resonate globally.

Today, we proudly serve over 120,000+ users across more than 120+ countries, a testament to the impact of our products in the digital landscape. 

At the core of our journey lies a steadfast mission: to craft accessible and potent web solutions that enable small businesses to flourish and stand toe-to-toe with industry giants. Our unwavering dedication to this ethos fuels every innovation and development that emerges from within the halls of POSIMYTH.

Our Product Milestones

Let’s dive into the highlight reel of 2023! At POSIMYTH Innovations, the year has been a rollercoaster of innovation, growth, and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the digital landscape. 

Our products have been the beating heart of this journey, each one a testament to our team’s dedication and our users’ trust. 

As we walk you through the milestones achieved in 2023, from skyrocketing user numbers to groundbreaking new ventures, get ready for a behind-the-scenes peek into the incredible strides made by The Plus Addons for Elementor, The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg, Nexter WordPress Theme, and our game-changing collaboration, UiChemy.

The Plus Addons for Elementor for 100K+ Active Users

We kicked off 2023 with a bang! June was monumental for us—we released features like the Event Tracker GA4 and the Scroll Sequence, making waves in how users engage with our Addons. The support for a 5-column layout and making social login functional in WP Login & Register widget were game-changers.

Oh, and who can forget the ‘highlight text’ feature in the accordion widget? It’s these little wins that add up. We also launched the Google One Tab Login Option and the Ajax-based Pagination, empowering smoother navigation. December saw us rolling out Horizontal Scrolling, rounding off the year on a high note.

We didn’t stop there. Throughout the year, we were all about improvement! We cleaned up document links, squashed bugs (to prevent those pesky ticket generations), and added a ‘Need Help’ option across all widgets, making sure our users always have support at their fingertips. The Carousel got a new direction-changing feature, a request straight from our users.

Hold onto your hats for what’s coming in 2024! We’re tightening things up with CSS optimization for widgets to supercharge performance, loading only the selected style. Improvements in our old caching system are in the works, making everything faster and smoother.

Plus, brace yourselves for a lineup of new widgets: Upsells, Woo Wishlist, Woo Recently Viewed, Woo Compare, Cross Sells, and Single Page Related Products. Our mission remains the same: focusing on overall performance enhancements.

The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg growing with 5K+ Active Users

Last year was jam-packed with enhancements! We expanded our block library with additions like Login, Signup, and Forgot Password Blocks, focusing on user convenience from the get-go. Accessibility became a priority—100+ Blocks and Features were tailored with Aria Text and Google Lighthouse-driven accessibility updates. 

And who doesn’t love a performance boost? We revamped CSS file structures and optimized assets for over 100 Blocks, making sure your site runs like a well-oiled machine. 

We introduced new blocks like TP Post Listing, Spline 3D Viewer, Progress Tracker, Plus Extras with Event Trackers, and added nifty functionalities to existing blocks like Container and Info Box. Not to mention, our commitment to speed was evident—we converted nearly 50+ Blocks into Vanilla JS for top-notch performance.

Experience the enhanced aesthetics and improved performance with our Dark Mode block.

The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg

These are just a few blocks – Check the entire list of 85+ Gutenberg Blocks Library from The Plus Blocks.

Hold onto your seats for what’s brewing in 2024! Dynamic Category Listing Block is coming up in the next release, giving you even more control over content organization. 

We’re streamlining APIs, reducing redundant calls, and optimizing code to make things leaner and faster. And of course, optimization remains a priority—more fine-tuning and improvements across all blocks are in the works. Brace yourselves for the Search Any Post/Product Filters Block, adding another layer of search functionality to elevate your user experience.

Nexter WordPress Theme – Mission to make most powerful Starter WordPress Theme

Nexter Theme took a significant leap forward in becoming the ultimate starter theme for WordPress enthusiasts. Bundling it with our flagship The Plus Addons for Elementor & Gutenberg was a game-changer, providing users with a comprehensive suite right out of the gate. 

We focused heavily on fortifying security, introducing Two-Factor Authentication Login and revamping components in the Theme Settings panel for responsiveness and user convenience. 

Upgrades like the Extra Options for URL & Text replacement, performance optimization through CSS & JS tweaks, and advanced security measures like disabling Elementor Icons and implementing XSS protection further solidified Nexter’s stance.

Get ready for a WordPress experience like no other in 2024! Our aim is to streamline the WordPress journey for everyone—empowering smart WordPress users without the hassle of drowning in plugins. Nexter will continue its evolution as a modular, feature-packed starter theme prioritizing security and functionality. 

We’re committed to maintaining a lean, high-performance theme that doesn’t weigh down your WordPress but rather enhances it, making smart choices easier and the WordPress journey more enjoyable.

Introducing the Power of Figma to Elementor with UiChemy

In a matter of months, UiChemy burst onto the scene, weaving the power of Figma seamlessly into Elementor, creating ripples of excitement throughout the WordPress community. 

With an overwhelming response, UiChemy quickly amassed a whopping 4000 users by the year’s end. Its reception was nothing short of love at first sight—transforming Figma designs into Elementor reality with just a few clicks became a game-changer. The disbelief turned into awe as people realized that converting Figma to Elementor was no longer a dream but a delightful reality.

Closing the curtains on an incredible year, we unveiled our smart responsive manager, a testament to the continuous innovation UiChemy embodies. The love and support received fueled our dedication to pushing boundaries and redefining possibilities in WordPress design.

In 2024, our sights are set on refinement and expansion. We’re devoted to enhancing the conversion success rate for even the most advanced designs, ensuring that the magic of Figma seamlessly integrates with page builders like Gutenberg and Bricks. UiChemy is poised to revolutionize WordPress site creation, offering a fresh perspective and setting a new standard in the world of website design.

Beta Launch of WDesignKit — The World of Templates Kit & Widgets for WordPress

We’ve just launched something really cool – WDesignKit, our new creation, is now in beta!

Think of it like stepping into a candy store but for WordPress templates and widgets. This kit is all about making your experience with WordPress smoother, cooler, and much more customizable.

Wdesignkit scaled

A collection of templates and widgets that add that extra magic to your website. We’re talking about stylish, professional templates and versatile widgets that will make your site stand out in the online crowd. 

If you’re using The Plus Addons for Elementor & The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg, you can check out over 100 ready-to-go templates with our widgets. And soon, this will be part of the dashboard for every The Plus Addons & The Block user.

Celebrating Colorful Festivals with our 50+ Team Members

This year, we had some special days that brought our team even closer. On “Signature Day” and “Group Day,” we celebrated everyone’s unique talents and how well we work together. It was a time for high-fives and appreciating each other’s strengths.

We also had a fun day called “Potluck Day,” where we all enjoyed different foods. It was a break from our usual routine, and we enjoyed good food and laughter.

We even took a break to watch the IPL and cheered for our favourite teams. The excitement of the game brought a different kind of energy to the office. It was like having a sports party with friends, and we laughed, shouted, and celebrated every thrilling moment together. 

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IPL 2 1 scaled

Birthdays are always special, and we celebrated “WordPress’s Birthday” by cutting a cake, having lunch together, and taking pictures. The cake was not just sweet; it was a symbol of our shared success and the joy we find in the little things. 

WordPress Birthday scaled

On 15th August, we got creative with an arts and crafts competition. It was like a mini art fair in the office, with colors, paper, and creativity flowing. We discovered hidden talents and learned new things about each other while having a blast.

15th august

Ganesh Chaturthi brought positive vibes as we welcomed Bappa to our office. The decorations and the festive atmosphere brought smiles to everyone’s faces. It was a day filled with blessings and a reminder of the good energy that surrounds us. 

Ganesh Chaturthi 1 scaled

Sports played a big part in our celebrations too. We had a great time playing Box Cricket, and our teams did really well. The cheers and laughter echoed through the office as we ran around, making it a day of teamwork, fun, and healthy competition. 

POSIMYTH Cricket 1 scaled

Diwali and Christmas were festive occasions where we dressed up, had delicious food, and exchanged gifts. The office sparkled with lights and decorations, creating a warm and joyful atmosphere. It was a time of traditions, festivities, and building memories together.

Christmas 1 1 scaled

These events created lasting memories and made our POSIMYTH family even stronger. Each celebration was a unique chapter in our shared story, filled with laughter, camaraderie, and the joy of being part of an amazing team.

Our Magnificent Journey of 2024 in Numbers.

In our POSIMYTH adventure, we achieved some really cool things this year. 

Here’s a quick glimpse of our milestones in numbers.


We created: 250+ blogs.


We crafted: 880+ docs.


We developed 2 ebooks.


We sent 40+ emails this year.


We reached 100K+ The Plus Addons for Elementor active users.


We reached 5K+ The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg active users.


We garnered 50K+ organic clicks on The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg.


Total Website Traffic for The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg 55K+


We received 500K+ organic clicks on The Plus Addons for Elementor.


Total Website Traffic for The Plus Addons for Elementor 500K+


We reached 6.7K subs and added 2,200+ subs this year on our YouTube channel.


We acquired 500K+ views this year and made our total channel view count to 1.5M+ Total Views


We published 115+ YouTube videos.


We reached 4K UiChemy users within 4 months.


We created 1000+ social media posts.


Our social media posts reached 20K+ people in engagement across social media.

First off, we launched test versions of two awesome products: UIChemy and Wdesignkit. These are like the early versions, and they’re a big deal for us.

Then, we got to do something super exciting—sponsor our very first WordCamp in Ahmedabad. It was a big event for us, and we were all so pumped up. Little did we know that it would be a really important day for us – December 9th, 2023, became a special date in our journey.

WordCamp Ahmedabad was more than just an event; it was like a big party for WordPress lovers. We connected with lots of people, shared our experiences, and even had a cool game called Aero Strike. We got love from 650+ people, and everyone enjoyed the goodies and swags we gave out.

WordCamp Ahmedabad

Read more about our “WordCamp Ahmedabad experience” now. 

And that’s not all, our Black Friday sale was a massive success too! We offered incredible deals, and the response was overwhelming. Our deals were featured on 50+ websites, and we connected with our audience through 200+ emails. It was a fantastic moment, and we’re grateful for the trust and enthusiasm shown by our community.

Now, let’s talk numbers. We did a lot this year—250+ blogs, 880+ documents, and even made two ebooks. We sent out 40+ emails and reached a bunch of users on our websites. Our YouTube channel also did great, with 6.7K subscribers, 500K+ views, and 115+ videos. 

UiChemy, one of our products, reached 4K users in just four months! Social media was buzzing too, with 1000+ posts reaching 20K+ people. These aren’t just numbers; they show how far we’ve come and how much POSIMYTH has grown.

UiChemy 1

Thank you for your support 

A big shout-out and thank you to everyone who has been there for us! Whether you’re part of our awesome team, a client, or a partner, your support means a lot. Your support fuels our excitement, and we’re super grateful for each one of you. 

So, here’s a heartfelt thank you for being on this journey with us. Each smile, each shared moment, and each challenge overcome together has made this year extraordinary. 

As we wrap up 2023, we’re filled with gratitude for the shared experiences and the anticipation of even greater adventures ahead. Here’s to more success, more laughter, and more milestones in the coming years. Cheers to POSIMYTH and the incredible community that makes it shine!

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